The project was “Development, Installation and Maintenance of a Computerized System to be used for the Economic Analysis of Water Use and Development of Water Pricing Policies” under the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 / EC.

The subject of the contract was to support the WDD of Cyprus in the implementation of Article 9 of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). In particular, the contract provided for:

  1. The implementation of an Information Protocol, with the development and use of the appropriate IT system to be used for the Economic Analysis of Water Uses and the Implementation of Water Pricing Policies in accordance with the needs arising from the objectives of the WFD.
  2. The formulation of appropriate Water Pricing Policies in accordance with the provisions of the WFD and the Law for the Protection and Management of Water Resources of the Republic of Cyprus.

Economic Analysis of Water Use

In particular, under Objective 2 “Water Policing Policies” of the contract, a special report titled “Economic Analysis of Water Use, Calculation of Total Cost of Water Services, Determination of Existing Cost Recovery Levels” has been prepared covering the following items:

A) Identification of water services/water providers and water users

B) Analysis of water supply (water consumption by source, service/provider of water) and water use

C) Identification of the importance of the most significant water uses

D) Cost estimation per water service

– financial cost

– environmental cost

– resource cost

E) Estimate of existing levels of cost recovery for each water service

The special report produced as a result of the project, titled “Economic Analysis of Water Use, Calculation of Total Cost of Water Services, Determination of Existing Water Recovery Levels” is available on the website of the Water Development Department (WDD) here.

The contracting authority was the Water Development Department (WDD) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Cyprus.