The study covered the 1st Revision of River Basin Management Plans of the Water Districts of Western Greece (EL 04), Epirus (EL 05) and Thessaly (EL 08), which is part of the 1st Revision of River Basin Management Plans of 14 Water Districts of the country according to the requirements of Directive 2000/60 / EC, pursuant to Law 3199/2003 (as amended and in force) and Presidential Decree 51/2007.

The purpose of River Basin Management Plans is to establish a common framework of principles and measures for the protection and management of water resources of the Member States of the European Union with the fundamental objective of gradually achieving the ‘good status’ of all water bodies.

The Management Plans are updated every six years.

The 1st Revision of the River Basin Management Plans of all the Water Districts of the country has already been approved.

The revised Management Plans will have a validity period up to 2021 or their next revision.

OMIKRON undertook the following:

  • Updating the Economic Analysis of Water Uses by River Basin and in particular the socio-economic importance of the main uses of water, assessing the cost (financial, environmental and resource costs) and the cost recovery of water services, existing pricing of water, as well as the estimated cumulative investment.
  • Evaluating the economic effectiveness of the proposed Complementary Measures of the Measure Program.

The contracting authority was the Special Secretariat of Waters of the Ministry of Environment and Energy