The region of Thriassio Pediο is a subdivision of the Western Attica and includes the Municipalities of Aspropyrgos, Elefsina, Fyli and the southern part of the Municipality of Mandra.  The area is bounded by Mount Pateras to the west, Parnitha to the north, mounts Poikilo and Aegaleo to the southeast, while in the south it is bounded by the bay of Elefsina.

The aim of the Thriasio Pedio Spatial Planning Study was:

  • to examine and evaluate alternative development scenarios for the region
  • to lay the foundations for the spatial planning of the area, taking into account the existing land uses and the prospects for the development of the region based on the proposed development scenario.

Thriasio Pedio currently hosts major industrial and logistics companies.  The possibilities explored in the project indicate that:

  • future industrial activity can be maintained at current (or somewhat lower) levels while adopting more environmentally compatible operating standards
  • new logistics centres can be attracted to fully exploit the dynamics of the region as a freight hub given its importance in Greek and international transport corridors
  • tourism can be developed as a new activity

The proposed plan covers objectives, rules and management tools that refer to:

  • the required adjustment of manufacturing activity and its territorial delineation.
  • the development of the supply chain and logistics activities
  • the upgrading of the natural / cultural / residential environment and the development of the tourist sector.

The originator of the study was the former Organization for Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens (ORSA).