The Tourism Development Study of the Region of Western Greece aimed at mapping of the potential of the tourism sector in the region and the formulation of proposals for the promotion of the sustainable Tourism Development of the Attica Region.

Study content

  1. Diagnosis of the potential of tourism development

1.1. Assessment of existing tourism resources.

1.2. Evaluation of the existing tourist supply and composition of the tourist product of the region.

1.3. Assessment of the “bearing capacity” of certain zones of the region in terms of environmental and social sustainability.

1.4. Analysis of the wider impacts of tourism on the economy, local society, culture and the natural environment of the region.

1.5. Analysis of the advantages and weaknesses of current tourism trends.

1.6. Investigation of the opportunities for utilizatiing, upgrading and promotiing of the tourist potential of the region.

1.7. Investigating threats and locating problematic issues and areas.

1.8. Investigating potential demand, both from foreign and national markets.

  1. Proposals for the tourism development strategy

2.1. Establish a strategy to promote the sustainable tourism development of the region.

2.2. Identification of the priorities and the axes of intervention of public bodies.

2.3. Proposal on the axes and forms of mobilization of private sector actors and the necessary joint actions of public and private actors.

2.4. Action plan.

2.5. Marketing Strategy and Communication Strategy.

The entire study is accessible from the website of the Ministry of Tourism.

The Tourism Development Study of the Attica Region was commissioned by EOT. (Hellenic Tourism Organization) of the Ministry of Development