The project explores the feasibility of creating and operating the suburban railway line. Scope of the creation of line is the daily movement of workers and the wider population from / to the area of ​​Thriassio Pedio and Megara in Greece.

OMIKRON SA was responsible for the compilation of the the feasibility and viability studies.

The Feasibility Study (Cost-Benefit) includes three work packages:

  • Package 1. Demand Analysis: The basis on which the Study is based is the demand analysis, which results in the provision of passenger traffic for the new suburban Western Attica route.
  • Package 2. Financial Assessment: It treats the project as an investment that will generate income for its manager by charging tickets and seeking other revenue (eg, advertising) and looking for the conditions and prospects and prerequisites of a private financially sound and sustainable operation.
  • Package 3. Socio-economic or simply Economic Assessment: It starts with the financial analysis and proceeds with the integration of additional cost and benefit elements, other than those valuated in the free market, by quantifying them in financial terms, where feasible. In the specific case of the suburban, such elements refer to:
    • the socio-economic impact of the project,
    • the environmental impact of the project
    • the energy impact of the project